
Our Farms

We farm sustainably by returning nutrients to the land, minimising waste and using water efficiently. Our farming and dairy operations are dependent on one another. Our cows make the soil rich and fertile as we recycle their waste, and our soils grow nourishing crops to feed our cows. We want to be here for generations to come.


We replenish our farm with compost and natural fertilisers. Our cropping rotations are designed to let the land rejuvenate naturally, building soil health and structure so the farm remains fertile and productive.


We use a combination of centre pivots and flood irrigation. Our system is automated and controlled remotely, responding to changes in soil moisture levels so we never waste a drop of water.


We grow a variety of feed for our cows over thousands of acres. Our corn, wheat, triticale and lucerne is grazed or harvested for silage to be fed to the herd.


By world standards, United Kingdom enjoys excellent air quality. Because we’re based in country Side, our air is exceptionally low in airborne pollutants so our farm and cows thrive.